Blog post 5: Changes to my study programme

I study chemistry at the University of Chile, I am in my second year. There are many things that I would change in the program of study of the career and I believe that for future generations they would be very beneficial. In the first place, four different careers coexist in the faculty and the four have an almost identical curriculum for the first two years. For me it is necessary for the different careers to have specific subjects for each one from the second year onwards so that students become familiar with each one's career more quickly. Another thing I would change is the need to attend 100% of the seminars to pass the subject, I would lower the attendance to 75% keeping the 100% as it is done in the English subject, so that students can manage their time in different ways and can do things outside the university like going to the doctor or doing paperwork easily. Thirdly, I think the hours of class per week are excessive, 40 hours is too much, I would lower the hours of cl...